
Canadian Metal-Ad Corporation has a proven repair procedure for End Fitting leakage problems.

Selective Electrochemical Deposition Metallizing (SEDM) is the term given to describe the metal addition process of small area plating without the use of immersion. The process is also referred to as Brush Plating or Electrochemical Metallizing (ECM).

Similar in technology to tank electroplating, metal addition SEDM electrolytically deposits a wide range of engineering metals from specially prepared solutions. Due to its pinpoint accuracy in area and thickness, metal addition SEDM often requires no post surface finishing of the deposit. Being a mobile and versatile process, it is the preferred method of metal build-up on parts too large or difficult to disassemble or remove.

Read more about a repair in the E. Face surface - Wolsong 2, South Korea



Pickering Nuclear Generating Station Repairs - Place cursor on pictures to view before and after images.

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